
A Collective of Web3 Tastemakers

We are a hand-selected, NFT-gated DAO of web3 leaders and investors, focused on early-stage investment and advisory.

What We Do

We've curated a web3 native community by offering high-quality alpha, exclusive events, unparalleled deal-flow and research-driven investment opportunities.

VANTA Investment Process

  • 01
    Circle Chart

    Deal Source

    We source best-in-class deal-flow through strong relationships with industry leading VCs, Incubators, KOLs and ecosystem funds.

  • 02
    Chart Stack


    We aggregate the most attractive early-stage investment opportunities using our internal deal screening framework.

  • 03


    Following discussion and preliminary research, tastemakers can make a pledge to contribute to deals they wish to fund.

  • 04
    Pillar Chart


    Tastemakers contribute capital on-chain for each deal through our custom built, portfolio management platform. SPV is formed.

  • 05
    Distribution bars


    As our token allocations vest, we distribute tokens pro-rata to each contributor in the deal for self-custody.

  • 06


    Following deal closure, we repeat the process and continue our search for high-quality web3 venture opportunities.

Application Process

All VANTA members must own a tastemaker NFT.

Once purchased and you've entered the Discord, you will be required to verify and fill out a form so we can learn more about you as an investor.


01What is VANTA?
02What do we invest in?
03How do I join the Vanta community?
04Does Vanta KYC?
05Are all Vanta Tastemakers required to be accredited investors?
06How does Vanta structure it's deals?
07How does the DAO governance work?
08How do we source our deal flow?
09How do we choose our investments?
010Where did the name VANTA come from?